Anthony Middle School Social Workers

Laura Virtual Classroom

The School Social Workers at Anthony Middle School, Leah Pillsbury and Laura Chapeau, are mental health professionals that provide support services to students and families related to social, emotional, and life adjustments.

As School Social Workers we collaborate with students and their families to overcome barriers, develop intervention strategies to increase academic success, and provide crisis intervention. We coordinate accommodations for students who are homeless or highly mobile. Additionally, we serve as the Administrative Designee for students receiving Special Education services. Leah also coordinates 504 plans for 6th grade students at Anthony.

If you believe that your student or family would benefit from support of a School Social Worker, please reach out to us. We have compiled links to resources around Anthony and Minneapolis at the top of the page.

We look forward to getting to know you, and supporting both your academic and social emotional learning.

During distance learning, please email Leah at or Laura at and we will respond via email or phone as soon as possible.