Welcome to Heritage STEM Academy
9th Grade Core Website!

On this site you will find updates and information about the 9th grade STEM Core classes. You can also request a meeting with Ms. Kelly, the 9th grade coordinator, as well as requesting field trips!

Embracing The Future:

We know that creativity is the foundation of Scientific discovery, Technological problem solving, Engineering design and Mathematical thinking. With STEM Literacy being our focus, we are shifting our pedagogy to engage our students in their individualized learning, which will harness critical-thinking skill, encourage innovative thinking and foster perseverance.

Our school community has always been known as Heritage STEM Academy and have been implementing some STEM practices in our instruction. While Heritage has largely undertaken such practices alone the district is now taking a greater role in support of our STEM Focus. In December 2019, as part of the Comprehensive District Design (CDD), the Board of Education voted to keep Heritage as a STEM Focus school. As part of the Board’s decision, Heritage STEM Academy will also be relocating to a building that will afford us the necessary facilities and infrastructure that would usher in a full STEM Program.

In the past three years, we’ve created a striving school community that has focused on ensuring that every student has the opportunities necessary to foster STEM Literacy. With the district’s partnership and investment our students’, the opportunities are endless. Students that are STEM Literate are better prepared to deal with “ever-changing” technology and are able to engage in authentic learning experiences.