Blogging Challenge Week 2

I Can...

  • add images, music, and videos to my blog posts and give credit to the creative owner.

Challenge 1: Write the beginning of a story

Find an interesting landscape image (include attribution). Write the beginning of a story relating to your image. Remember to include a conflict of some sort between your characters. Invite your readers to finish the story. How many different endings can you get? Which ending do you prefer? You might need to visit some other bloggers and invite them to finish your story. Remember to leave the URL of your post for them to click on.

Challenge 2: Write a sentence using just images

No words OR find 6 images that create a story – again no words only the attribution for each image.

Challenge 3: Photo Gallery

Create a slideshow, photo gallery or poster about your interests to add to your about me page or as a separate post. Your final slide should include attribution for each image.

Challenge 4: Create Your Own Images

Create your own images and add to a post of your choice. In your post add a link to the website or tool you used to create your image.

Other options for creating your own images include:

  1. Google Drawing
  2. Comic Generators like, ToonDoo
  3. Photo Editors like Befunky, fd’s Flickr Tools
  4. Tag Cloud Creators such as Wordle

Mixing up your images using these types of tools can really spice up your posts!

Challenge 5: Go Back & Give Credit

If you have used images in any previous posts you have written, then you are ethically obliged to give the correct attribution or take the image out of the post if it does not have the right creative commons license.

ISTE Standards

Creative Communicator

  • 1a - Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
  • 1d - Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.