Mount Erin College is committed to providing a wider access to valuable resources & learning opportunities via its current network. Part of this is the development of our BYOD program - providing access to self serve apps and online resources.
We are only able to provide limited support to BYO devices, assisting students to connect to the College Wireless Network with their BYO device.
In order for devices to connect effectively to the College’s Wireless Network, BYO devices must be running the following as a minimum:
Windows 10 or 11 (64 Bit), or
Mac OSX 11+
Battery life of at least 6 hours (no chargers are to be brought to school)
It is highly recommended that any BYOD are less than 4 years old
*Windows 10/11 Devices need to be taken out of S-Mode
How to get started:
Please fill in our BYOD Policy and bring it into the ICT office. This will enable the IT technicians to set you up on our WiFi network.
Physical copies are available by request from the Front Office or IT Department.
Once you have WiFi access, you'll want to setup your access to our GSuite. Please refer to our setup guide under Online Resources.
What does WiFi enable me to do?
Once connected to the WiFi, you will be able to access the schools filtered internet along with other students.
This will enable access to our online resources while at school. Access to these resources are considered vital to student learning at MEC.
You will also be able to access services, such as printing, library borrowing etc that require access to our network
What happens if I have trouble accessing the network or resources?:
Please come and see the IT Technicians in the ICT Office, we will attempt to diagnose the issue and offer a solution.
If it's something small that can be fixed immediately then we will do so.
If it's a hardware or larger picture issue we will point you in the right direction.

WiFi Connection
Still need to connect to the Wireless?
Fill out the following form and bring it to the ICT Office.
Online Resources
Our school uses a range of online resources, website etc.
These can be accessed below!
Installable Apps
Our school uses a range of online resources, website etc.
These can be accessed below!