Mountain WiFi

Wharton, WV

Home Internet, Outdoor Hotspot Network, Security,  Network and VoIP Management Solutions


Internet Plan:






Frequently Asked Questions - Equipment

All necessary equipment for servicing your home or business will be provided free of monthly charges. Please note that this equipment is owned by Mountain WiFi and must be returned if you cancel your service. Failure to return the equipment within 60 days of cancellation or termination will result in a fee equivalent to the retail cost of the equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions - Billing

Your monthly bill is issued on the 1st of each month and is due by the 15th. For customers who initiate service mid-month, the bill will include charges for the remaining days of that month, which will be added to your first invoice.

Frequently Asked Questions - Phone

Our $100/month service plan includes optional home phone at no additional cost. You can keep your existing phone number, provided your account with the current provider is in good standing for the number transfer. Should you require a new phone number, a one-time fee of $20 will apply.

Local Weather:

Coverage Map

White - Current Coverage

Orange - Future Coverage

Green - Outdoor WiFi Hotspot

Outdoor Hotspot

(Per Device)

1 Day Access


7 Day Access


30 Day Access


90 Day Access


365 Day Access


Other Services

Managed Network

Network Installations

Phone Systems

Custom Solutions