
Our Textbook

HMH World Civilizations is the textbook we use.   

Grading Policy

Academic - 80%

Tests/Quizzes 35%

Writing 25%

Projects 20%

 Habits of Learning -20%

Homework/ Classwork 20%

Assignments and homework are posted on  Google Classroom.

Homework is accepted late for half credit.  

Students will receive a code to join their Google Classroom. 

Units of Study 


How Rome evolved to become one of the world’s greatest empires- and the lasting impact it has on the world today. 


Arabia’s impact on technology and science- how we benefited from those innovations.

The African Kingdoms

The forgotten African Kingdoms and their influence- how the African culture impacted the world. 

The Middle Ages

Were the Middle Ages really the Dark Ages? - and how religion and the black plague impacted society. 

The Renaissance

 How the art and technology of the Renaissance revitalized Europe and the world. 

The Reformation

How the Reformation changed religion forever and has had a lasting impact on religion 

World War 1

How World War 1 set the stage for the fascism that resulted in the Holocaust and World War 2. 

World War 2

The war that involved the vast majority of the world and centered on both ideological and human rights issues.  

The Holocaust

The history of the Holocaust and some of the individuals who showed strength and valor during this horrific time.  

The Civil Right Movement

The history of the national effort  made by black people and their supporters in the 1950s and 1960s to eliminate segregation and gain equal rights.