Week 2 Grade 3 Specialists


Each week you will get an Art video lesson to watch and complete. Keep your completed projects in a folder or pile to bring back to school to show Ms. Maupin.

Weekly Art Lesson Week Two (April 6 - April 10):

Week Two learning targets:

I Can find a picture to cut out of a magazine, newspaper, photo, or cereal box.

I Can glue that picture to a blank piece of paper.

I Can create a collage by adding my own drawing around the picture I found.

  1. Gather your materials (paper, pencil, eraser, scissors, glue stick, something to color with if you have them, and an old magazine/newspaper/photo).

  1. Here is the powerpoint from this lesson's video if you would like to follow at your own pace.

  2. Keep your Collage Drawing in a folder or pile to give to Ms. Maupin when we return to school.

(This project has an extra project option listed at the end of the video lesson. But you only need to complete one collage drawing from the video lesson listed above. Extra projects are only for if you want to do them.)


Hello 3rd Graders! Welcome to Distance Learning!

You will find your weekly science lesson in our special Google Classroom for Distance Learning. See you there! If you haven't joined yet, please do so now using this CODE: etbnws3.


Let's talk timelines! This week, you are going to make a timeline of your day! Click below to watch how to do this and then go to Google Classroom to get started! Google Classroom Links: Cathey Meline Nelson Kothlow Drinane Laurence