Week 10 Grade 3 Specialists

Weekly Art Lesson Week Ten (June 1 - 4):

Week Ten learning target:

I Can choose a drawing game, project from the choice board, or sidewalk chalk activity to have fun with for my last week of school.

  1. Watch the video and decide on an activity or game!

  2. Here is the powerpoint from this week's video if you would like to look at it again.

  3. Have fun and enjoy your summer!


Hello 3rd Graders! Welcome to Distance Learning!

You will find your weekly science lesson in our special Google Classroom for Distance Learning. But first you need to add a class and join. If you haven't done so yet, please join using the following code: etbnws3. Click on the link below to get to Mrs. Bergantine's Website.

PE 1

Lesson for the week of JUNE 1!


PE 2

What you can do over the Summer. Have a great Summer and see you next year!


Let's try our Scratch and learn about coding! Click on the button below to watch the video and then go to your Tech Google Classroom for directions. Google Classroom Links: Cathey Meline Nelson Kothlow Drinane Laurence