2024 Request for Proposals


There is significant concern for the health of Florida’s Coral Reef, particularly in the face of recent natural disasters, disease, ocean acidification, and changes in water temperatures. The scientific community considers coral reefs around the world to be threatened and those of Florida to be at great risk. In addition to their environmental and biological importance, Florida’s reefs also contribute considerably to the State’s economy. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) suggests that coral reefs in southeast Florida have an asset value of $8.5 billion, generating $4.4 billion in local sales, $2 billion in local income, and over 70,000 jobs. Coral reefs are not only a major economic driver, but a foundation of history, culture, and resiliency of Southeast Florida and the Florida Keys. Yet funding to help utilize the best available science and technology to restore and maintain the vitality of this critical ecosystem is limited. Mote Marine Laboratory has been successfully leading the “Protect Our Reefs” (POR) specialty license plate for over 20 years to help supplement traditional coral reef research and restoration funding sources. Mote makes a substantial proportion of the proceeds from the sale of these plates available through POR grants to build partnerships that support research, education (and outreach), and conservation efforts focused on the restoration and sustainable use of Florida’s coral reefs. Over the past 20+ years of the POR Grant Program, Mote has received and reviewed over 500 proposals and grants have been awarded to more than 300 projects totaling over $7 million.


Eligible organizations shall be based in Florida and engaged in coral reef research, education, or conservation. Applicants must be a public agency, educational institution, or non-profit entity as designated by the IRS. 

Funding Availability

Proposals this year should be for 12-month or less projects with funding requests not exceeding $30,000. A single award not exceeding $100,000 addressing the Special Focus Topic may be considered, please contact kclaridge@mote.org to discuss these proposals concepts.

Priority Proposal Topic Areas

Priority will be given to research and STEM education proposals that focus on coral reef restoration, such as coral propagation (sexual and asexual), rearing, and outplanting, as well as key coral reef associated fauna that may promote successful coral reef ecosystem recovery. A Special Focus Topic this year is on projects targeting the full scope and scale of the 2023 bleaching event and integrating methods to improve resilience in restored coral populations. Projects may include field-based or laboratory studies, integrate molecular techniques, and focus on the development or refining of best practices for nursery rearing and outplanting to optimize survival. It is highly recommended that proposals include collaboration with or use of Mote’s International Coral Gene Bank in Sarasota or Mote's Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral Reef Research and Restoration on Summerland Key (including the Climate and Ocean Acidification Ocean Simulator, more info is available on the Mote website at: https://mote.org/locations/details/international-center-for-coral-reef-research-and-restoration).


In order to be considered, proposals must be received by 5:00 P.M. (ET) on February 29, 2024. Award notification is projected for April 2024 with funds available in May 2024. Please note this application requires 2 parts:

1. Completion of the online submission form and

2. A copy of the complete proposal (as a PDF) submitted via email to kclaridge@mote.org

Incomplete applications will not be considered. 

A Proposal Review Committee of individuals with broad and diverse backgrounds in coral reef research, education, conservation, and management will be organized to assist with grant application review. The Committee will be facilitated by Mote and charged with the review, evaluation, and ranking of each accepted proposal. Outside experts will also be consulted to review the proposals as may be necessary. The Committee will make recommendations to Mote's President & CEO for a final decision regarding which proposals should be selected and in what amounts.


Proposals must be related to Florida coral reef or coral reef ecosystem restoration:

Protect Our Reefs Proposals

Mote requires the submission of one electronic copy of the proposal in PDF format including:

Proposal Checklist

The Proposal Checklist is designed to help the proposers make certain that they have complied with all of the requirements of the RFP. The checklist is completed as part of the online submission form, but is available for reference on the Proposal Checklist page of this website.

 Cover Letter

Please include a Cover Letter (one page maximum) that:  

Project Description

The Project Description (three pages maximum) should describe: 

Project Budget

The proposed Project Budget (one-page maximum) should describe in detail all proposed expenditures over the life of the project. Personnel expenditures in particular should be sufficiently documented to enable the Review Committee to determine whether the resources will be efficiently and cost-effectively utilized. The expenditures should include, but not necessarily be limited to:  

Supplemental documents

Supplemental documents that may be included are: 

Please note that all sections of the proposal must be combined into a single PDF and submitted via email to kclaridge@mote.org in addition to completing the online submission form. Please name your file using the following format:  PI's last name_Project Title   ie: "Smith_Researching coral sustainability in the southern Florida Keys"


Proposals will be evaluated based on criteria relevant to coral reef restoration research, education (and outreach), and conservation. This will include:

Required Deliverables

A detailed Interim Progress Report and a detailed Interim Financial Report will be due at the midpoint of the project year and no later than six months into the award period. A detailed Final Technical Report and a detailed Final Financial Report will be due at the end of the project and no later than twelve months into the award period. The acceptability of the reports will be at the sole discretion of Mote Marine Laboratory. The POR logo shall be prominently displayed on all reports.

In addition, all successful applicants will be required to make a formal presentation of their project and the results it achieved during the annual POR meeting  to members of the Grants Review Committee, other grant recipients, and interested members of the public. In addition to describing the project results achieved, the presentation should address how those results can be effectively utilized by resource managers. The presentation can be made virtually or in person. Acceptable virtual versions are:

We understand that No Cost Extensions are occasionally needed and will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. 

Failure to present your research in the desired timeframe will result in being ineligible for future POR grant funding.

Lastly, all successful applicants will be required to prominently display Protect Our Reefs license plate marketing materials when referencing any activities related to their funded POR projects. The POR logo and other Mote branding guidelines are available at https://mote.org/brandambassador.

Be sure to tag @protectourreefs in your Instagram stories and posts. If you have any questions regarding the @protectourreefs social media, please contact Haley Burleson at hburleson@mote.org

Proposal Checklist

This checklist will help you make certain that you have fully complied with the requirements of the RFP.

 Cover Letter (1 page max)

 Project Description (3 pages max)

 Project Budget (1 page max)

 Additional Consideration

Payment Schedule

The final payment schedule will be determined upon review of the proposals recommended for funding. In general, successful projects will receive 50% of the awarded funds upon contract execution, 25% upon approval of the Interim Report and the remaining 25% upon approval of the Final Report. Payments at each increment will be based on spending to date. 

Any questions about the Protect Our Reefs Grants Program should be directed to Kevin Claridge (kclaridge@mote.org) or Bryan Davis (bdavis@mote.org).