Test Instructions

Experiment participants will be granted access to a test data set consisting of a catalog of 200 individual bottlenose dolphins, with the best cropped right or left side image of each individual, and a separate dolphin encounter (or sighting) of 50 images that contains a known number of individual animals. Please provide your contact information via our request form using the button below if you would like to gain access to this data set and are willing participate in this experiment ("Gain Access to Test Data").

Once you have downloaded the test data set to your computer (please copy the data, don't cut it) we ask that you (your lab) determine:

  1. the unique number of individuals within the encounter,
  2. the number of individuals in the encounter that can be matched to individuals in the catalog,
  3. and the number of 'new' individuals that should be added to the catalog

using whatever photo-ID methods or systems that you (or your lab) currently use. Thus, you may modify, rename, grade and/or sort the test images in any manner you please. When you are done, we ask that you submit your results via our online questionnaire and submission process found below (we recommend reviewing the form and template before completing the experiment).

We ask that all results are submitted by October 4, 2019 to give us time to collate all responses before the workshop in December.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

Reny & Kim

Please copy and paste the template below to aid in the submission of your results within the questionnaire (you can hover over the spreadsheet and open it using the button in the upper right corner to copy it):

Experiment Results