Nomination Process

Nomination process

Inductions are made into the MQCC™ Metaverse Hall of Fame on an annual, bi-annual, tri-annual, every 5 year, every 10 year or every 20 year basis; subject to qualified nominees.

Inductees are chosen by members of the MQCC™ Metaverse Hall of Fame MQCC™ Corporate University, which comprises individuals already inducted into the MQCC™ Metaverse Hall of Fame and other acknowledged Conformity Science leaders.

Selecting from the nominations it receives from the global Conformity Science community, the MQCC™ Corporate University chooses the one inductee it considers to have made the most outstanding contributions to the development of today’s MQCC Global BlockChain system-network.

The nomination process to find the inductees for each year is always open, but you must make your nominations here before August 14 of each year.

The names of the inductees will be made public in April and an official ceremony to honour those selected will be held during the April 9 MQCC™ Metaverse Hall of Fame Event and Party. Subject to "life".