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NOTICE: Separate and distinct from a generic use of the compound term; METAVERSE™ is a well-known mark and source identifier trademark brand for certain goods and services, used-in-commerce by MQCC Bungay International LLC and licensees.

METAVERSES HALL OF FAME™ A World-Wide Initiative of

Recognition of Leadership and Excellence

Celebration of 20+ Years of

  • observation

  • discovery

  • development

  • regulatory integration

  • commercialization

  • national and international standardization and

  • continual improvement

of formalized, non-novel (exact) Conformity Science

of the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented as the source identifier trademark brand name:

  • "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"

of the Application of the Concepts, Principles, core Methods and Processes in:

  • Government

  • Industry (Commerce and Finance)

  • Academia
