Unleash Your Inner Tiger:
Roar onto the Stage with The Tiger Drama Project!

Ever dreamed of belting out show tunes, channeling your inner Shakespeare, or making audiences laugh with lightning-fast improv? The Tiger Drama Project is your backstage pass to unleashing your creativity and igniting your passion for theatre!

More than just acting, this after-school haven at Morris Area High School is your one-stop shop for all things dramatic. Whether you're a seasoned thespian or a curious newcomer, we've got something to make your spotlight shine:

The Tiger Drama Project is more than just an activity - it's a community. A place to discover your voice, express yourself confidently, and roar with pride under the stage lights. So, what are you waiting for?

Join us and take center stage in your own theatrical adventure!

P.S. Don't worry if you're feeling a little shy - our supportive and inclusive environment welcomes everyone, from stage veterans to complete beginners. Come as you are, and let your theatrical spirit soar!