From Nurse Brooke!

  1. Can my child come to school with a runny nose?

Yes! If your child has only 1 symptom he/she can come to school. If they have 2 or more they should stay home and evaluate your next plan.

  1. Someone in our household is being tested for COVID. Can our children go to school?

No! Your child should stay home if someone is being tested for COVID, due to COVID related symptoms. Your child may return with a negative test. (Please follow the advice from your healthcare provider or Public Health.)

  1. Someone in our household has tested positive for COVID. Can our children go to school?

No, all family members should stay home for the recommended quarantine and isolation time. Please make every effort to keep your child away from the person who is positive so they may return to in person learning sooner. The positive person isolates for 10 days, the rest of the family begins a 14 day quarantine beginning the LAST day they interact with the person in isolation. So if they interact for all 10 days, 14 day quarantine begins on day 11 and student will be out of school for 24-25 days potentially.

  1. When does my child need to complete distance learning work?

If your child is ill, on vacation, or waiting for a COVID test, distance learning is not an option. It is an excused absence. If your child is quarantined for 14 days, then your child will be distance learning. Please contact the elementary office with any questions.

Nurse Brooke is available to answer any questions you may have, please call or email her at any time! She also has a ton of information on her website. Use the attached link.

Contact information: Brooke Malek 320-585-2003