Andre Lanziotti Camara

I am Brazilian but my family background comes from Italy. I have been in London since January 2017. Photography has always been part of my life. My father is a photographer.

I remember when I started taking pictures with my first 35 mm SLR camera. It was a Russian Zenith. I still remember my father saying if you want a camera get a Zenith. It is the only one strong enough for you. All the other you will damage. Unfortunately, I don’t have it any more.

Living in London gave me the opportunity to take my hobby seriously. This is the first time in my life I have done a course. Even though my father is a photographer, I was utterly a self-taught. I have never been in a photographic studio before.

I have always tried to capture unusual moments or from a different perspective. My aim is to draw people's attention to things they may not perceive at first glance

Hope you all like my photographs

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