Links & Articles

All Regional Information Centers across NY State have combined their expertise to create the NYS RIC Data Privacy & Security Resource Center. Here you will find downloadable resources, best practices, law and regulation explanations, helpful links to other resources, and much, much more.

Data Privacy and Security Initative  (DPS)

Data Privacy and Security Initative (DPS)

Part 121 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education

Part 121 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education

Data Privacy and Security -NYSED

Data Privacy and Security -NYSED

The Basics of Phishing

The Basics of Phishing

The MORIC offers:

User Rights Assessments

User Rights Assessments

      System Assessments

System Assessments

Best Practices Documentation

Best Practices Documentation

Forensic Investigations

Forensic Investigations

INcident Reponse

Incident Response