Two - Dimensional Figures

Monday (4/20) - Graphing and missing angles of Triangles


This document will help you with how to find missing angles of a triangle

Please use this document to help with the ixl section.


You will need to complete the following section W.8 (graph triangles and quadrilaterals) and W.9 (Find missing angles of triangles)

You may use a calculator for these sections above.

You must get a smartscore of 70 to get a 100%

Tuesday (4/21) - Missing angles of Quadrilaterals


This video will help you review what a quadrilateral is


This document will help you on how to find missing angles of a quadrilateral


You will need to complete the following section W.11 (Find missing angles of quadrilaterals)

You may use a calculator for these sections above.

You must get a smartscore of 85 to get a 100%

Wednesday (4/22) - Find measures of angles


This document will help you with finding measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles.

I recommend you have this sheet out while you are working on the ixl sections


You will need to complete the following section W.17 (Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles)

You may use a calculator for these sections above.

You must get a smartscore of 85 to get a 100%

Thursday (4/23) - Part of a circle

Parts of a Circle

The video below from Khan academy will tell you about the parts of a circle


This google document will provide you with definitions, a labeled circle, and how to find radius and diameter of a circle.

This document will also help you with the worksheet below.


You will need to complete the following section W.22 (Parts of a circle)

You must get a smartscore of 85 to get a 100%

Friday (4/24) - Catch up day

  • Today is the day for you to complete all the ixl assignments.

  • If you have completed all those ixl sections, you may work on previous assignments if you have not completed them yet or work on the other page for extra credit on those assignments

  • I will be putting in a grade for the week of 4/13 - 4/17 in today.

  • Next week, we will be continuing on with geometry