4.5 Standing Waves

Essential idea: When travelling waves meet they can superpose to form standing waves in which energy may not be transferred.

Nature of science: Common reasoning process: From the time of Pythagoras onwards the connections between the formation of standing waves on strings and in pipes have been modelled mathematically and linked to the observations of the oscillating systems. In the case of sound in air and light, the system can be visualized in order to recognize the underlying processes occurring in the standing waves.


• The nature of standing waves Concept USNA water tank Tacoma Narrows movie

• Boundary conditions Concept Normal modes of vibration

Applications and skills:

• Describing the nature and formation of standing waves in terms of superposition

• Distinguishing between standing and travelling waves

• Observing, sketching and interpreting standing wave patterns in strings and pipes

• Solving problems involving the frequency of a harmonic, length of the standing wave and the speed of the wave


• Students will be expected to consider the formation of standing waves from the superposition of no more than two waves

• Boundary conditions for strings are: two fixed boundaries; fixed and free boundary; two free boundaries

• Boundary conditions for pipes are: two closed boundaries; closed and open boundary; two open boundaries

• For standing waves in air, explanations will not be required in terms of pressure nodes and pressure antinodes

• The lowest frequency mode of a standing wave is known as the first harmonic

• The terms fundamental and overtone will not be used in examination questions


• The art of music, which has its scientific basis in these ideas, is universal to all cultures, past and present. Many musical instruments rely heavily on the generation and manipulation of standing waves.

Theory of knowledge:

• There are close links between standing waves in strings and Schrodinger’s theory for the probability amplitude of electrons in the atom. Application to superstring theory requires standing wave patterns in 11 dimensions. What is the role of reason and imagination in enabling scientists to visualize scenarios that are beyond our physical capabilities?


• Students studying music should be encouraged to bring their own experiences of this art form to the physics classroom


Aim 3: students are able to both physically observe and qualitatively measure the locations of nodes and antinodes, following the investigative techniques of early scientists and musicians

Aim 6: experiments could include (but are not limited to): observation of standing wave patterns in physical objects (eg slinky springs); prediction of harmonic locations in an air tube in water; determining the frequency of tuning forks; observing or measuring vibrating violin/guitar strings

Aim 8: the international dimension of the application of standing waves is important in music

Friday 2/21 and Monday 2/24/2020 - Standing wave awesomeness with fire

1) Discuss Standing waves and lingering questions from HW --> FLAME TUBE!

Saturn's North Pole Hexagon is the result of Standing Waves! http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA14946.jpg

Standing Wave Levitation! WHAT?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K8zs-KSitc

2) 4.5 Standing Wave Questions --> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q3v0UIN7VyETulQyxhE5BjBis-T9_geMoPBneUHx124/edit?usp=sharing

Afterwards, discuss the test :

Lots of definitions to know and be able to explain...

SHM graphs and math

Springs + SHM

Types of waves (memorize the visible spectrum numbers and the order of EM spectrum)

Wave math equation v=Lf

Constructive and Deconstructive Interference

Intensity math

Polarization + Malus Law

Snells law understanding + Math + Critical angle

Diffraction understanding + math

Standing wave understanding + math

Know your fundamental standing waves types

4.5 Standing wave questions ANSWERS.pdf
Topic 4.3 Formative Answer Key.doc

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Topic 4.4 Formative Answer Key.doc

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Topic 4.5 Formative Answer Key.doc

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