Academic Support

It's important to instill good academic behaviors and routines early! Some basic guidelines to help your child build good study skills:

  • Make sure your child has a regular bed-time that allows them to get a good night's sleep. You can find some guidelines for sleep at different ages and stages here.

  • Consider having a dedicated space to do homework. If that's not possible, make sure your child has a place to do their work that is free from distractions. Often, a great place is the dinner table! They can work on their work while you prepare dinner! You can keep your eyes on them and they have a spot that is free from lots of distractions!

  • Make reading a part of your routine! Bedtime or just after dinner is a great time to sneak in some reading minutes! If you have a reluctant reader, have them read a page and then you read a page.

  • Stay calm! If they get frustrated, reassure them and empathize with those feelings. If you stay calm, they will be much more likely to calm down sooner.