ECE Projects

Ethics & Regulation for the Future

Presentation for Main Event 3 - Elie Bowman

Quarter 1 - Parenting During a Pandemic Presentation

Parenting During a Pandemic

Presentation for Main Event 1 - Elie Bowman

Frankenstein A.I..mp4

Frankenstein A.I.

"A Monster Made by Many"

Ayden Frechette

Main Event Richard POV
The Main Event 2 Creative

Richard's Muse

A few poems inspired by Michael Cunningham's The Hours

Could be ME3

Creative Project ME3

An creative project that's a twist on Frankenstein.

Frankenstein ME3

Throughout Frankenstein, the characters are traveling to different places. I wanted to display these places in a fun and simple way, so I made "Frankopoly". Here you'll see all of the places Victor, Elizabeth, the monster, Victor's parents, and Walton travel. 

Maddie Gould

Madeline Horkey - Quarter One - Existentialism, Fathers, Sons, and Parenting

Madeline Horkey- Knowing Oneself is Not Enough: 

Self-Identification and Bad Faith Through Shakespeare’s Hamlet

A look at existential philosophy through Hamlet.

Genetic Engineering

With my Main Event 3, I wanted to create a collection of information that helps understand the world of genetic engineering. In my website I not only take about how Frankenstein relates to genetic engineering, but also the social and ethical dilemmas that arise from this issue and my opinion on the topic.

My Movie 3.mp4

For this project, I decided to take my own little twist on it with something I enjoy doing. I thought of making my own news broadcast of the finding of the monster. In my video, I based it off the charactors from the book but changed it in a way to make my broadcast work. By me making a video which is something I love to do, made this project more enjoyable rather than writing an essay.

By- Jillian Murallo

second main even ii

The Hours Through Song

In this project, which is one of my favorites, I combined my love for music and the movie The Hours. I picked lyrics from a couple songs I enjoyed and stated how I think they correlate with the story. I also included videos for each song so the viewer is able to listen to each song and see if they notice the same similarities I do, or maybe ones that I missed. 

Margaret Wainwright - ME3

Frankenstein ME3

For this project I decided to figure out and prove why building the monster in the book Frankenstein is impossible. I focus a lot on the medical part of it and how the monster had no side effects. An actual human would not be able to come to life the way the monster did. 

The Second Main Event

Madeline Horkey- The Second Main Event Slides

While our class was watching the film adaptation of The Hours, we kept pausing to discuss the musical score and how it did a wonderful job of creating suspense. I decided to combine my knowledge of music theory and my love for over the top literary analysis in my project.

T2ME Script

The Second Main Event Script

Because my explanations were dense and technical, I had to verbally present a large chunk of my research. My slides would not make much sense without the script, so I recommend having this tab open while watching. 

Presentation Script

The Second Main Event Musical Script

The most exciting part of my presentation in my opinion was the musical accompaniment. I employed the help of our choir director Mr. Cushing to play a few example here and there. I wanted my audience to have a full musical and physical experience during my presentation. 

Main Event 4

Main Event 4: Classism

For this project I focused on classism and how people with a low social class feel and their emotions that they are going through. For my project I wrote three poems, two from a low social class and one from a rich person's perspective.

Maria Siismets


In this project, I wanted to explore classism and its pillars in our society.  I read poetry, a memoir, and did research to try understand classism as much as I could. This project was an eye-opener, to say the least, and I have a completely different outlook on our society now. 

My project:

ME 4: FRANKly elise

A personal blog by Elise Minas discussing the highs and lows of growing up, decision making, and reminiscing on childhood diary entries

Inspired by Viktor Frankl's A Man's Search for Meaning 

Ethics & Regulation for the Future of Genetics - Bowman