Classroom Information

Tentative Daily Schedule

8:30-9:00 Arrival/Homeroom

9:00-9:20 Homeroom Huddle (Spanish every day)

9:20-10:30 ELA

10:30-11:10 Unified Arts

11:10-12:25 ELA

12:25-1:05 Lunch

1:10-1:30 Science/Social Studies/Second Step

1:30-2:30 Math

2:30-2:50 Recess

2:50-3:00 Pack up for Dismissal


The 3 Bs:


Math-  The lessons that are taught for the day in math are accompanied by a "More Practice/ Homework" page.  Please complete this nightly with your child unless they are told that they do not have to complete it.  This will count towards their homework grade in Skyward.  Fact Fluency will be evaluated weekly to monitor growth.  We will be using Xtramath this year.

SPELLING – Practice your child's words nightly!

READING – I request that your child read to you, to themselves, etc EACH night.  It could be a picture book, chapter book, or a magazine.  We will set goals to monitor growth.