Dream It-

Believe It-

Achieve It!

Hello! I am Ms. McCoy. This is my 26th year teaching in Montgomery County, and YES- I still enjoy teaching!

Positivity and Sunshine make me so happy!

I feel very fortunate to work with some wonderful people and feel so honored to work with new students every year.

God has blessed me with two children and three grandchildren, and I couldn't adore them more! Spending time with them is one of my favorite things on earth!

In my free time- I enjoy traveling, gardening, and fishing. If I can't be outside enjoying nature, I like being in my kitchen cooking and baking. Experimenting with new recipes is so much fun! Oh, and I LOVE coffee....the smell, the taste, and all the yummy creamers that go in it!

I am truly grateful for my life!

Haleydean and Riley

Emmerson Grey

Beau Wilder

Lennox Riley