
Summer Reading Challenge

Students are asked to track their summer reading using either a paper or a digital tracker.  Everyone that reads is going to receive a free blizzard coupon.  Others are eligible to win even more prizes, including a new Kindle!

Read Across America Week

Read Across America Week isn't just for elementary school students!  We had a mystery reader each day, a book drive, "caught reading" coupons, and other activities all week long!

Blind Date with a Book

Never judge a book by its cover!  Students got to select a wrapped book using only a few clue words.  If they read at least 3 chapters of that book, they could review it and be eligible to win prizes!

Holiday Open House

In December, English classes were welcomed in to the library for some holiday fun!  We had hot chocolate, created bookmarks, played games, and browsed holiday books!

Non-Fiction November

Non-Fiction November is all about celebrating the genre of non-fiction!  Students will get a chance to explore some popular non-fiction selections in the library, and "rate" some of the books while trying to sell their classmates on a particular read.  

Also participate in our Non-Fiction bingo all month long for prizes!  

Get the bingo game here:

Banned Books Week

September 18-24th was Banned Books Week at the MCHS library.  Classes came in to learn about censorship and the freedom to read.  Some great discussions were had about students' opinions on the issue of banned books.

Students and staff also got to participate in the daily Banned Books Week Trivia Contest with prizes!  

Book Tastings

Can't decide what to read?  A book tasting is a great way to sample some new books and get an idea of what might work for you!