Migrant Education, Region XVI  

Speech and Debate 2024

Students: all good arguments must be backed up by strong evidence- whether it is in the form of your own personal experiences, your observations, or your readings (which can include documentary videos) -- your "E.O.R.s". 

Be strong debaters and speechmakers, but also exemplary Digital Citizens by always citing your sources.

When you refer to evidence which supports your position and which comes from an article, research study, survey, video, or infographic, etc, you must cite the title, the institution or the individuals who authored it, and the year in which it was generated.  If you do not do this, you can be sure that your opponents in a debate will be sure to question the credibility of your sources.


There should be stricter restrictions on advertising to minors. 

Debería haber restricciones más estrictas a la publicidad dirigida a menores. 

MS Debate Topic

Cell phones should be banned in the classroom.

Los teléfonos celulares deberían estar prohibidos en las aulas.

HS Speech Topic

Is technology making us more connected or more isolated? 

¿La tecnología nos está haciendo más conectados o más aislados?

MS Speech:  Topic 

Should students caught vaping on campus be required to participate in a drug and alcohol abuse intervention program?

¿Se debería exigir que los estudiantes sorprendidos en el acto de usar cigarrillos electrónicos en la escuela participen en un programa de intervención contra el abuso de drogas y alcohol?