Tech Tips

Ed Services Tech MUSD 

Welcome to MUSD Ed Services Tech Tips Website!  

We, your Tech TOSAs, are committed to providing a continuous amount of tech tips that can assist you with all things tech. 

June 2024

May 2024

Import a Google Slides presentation into Canva and continue editing it with Canva's tools, elements, and styles.

From your Canva Projects screen, click Add New → Import from App → Google Drive. 

Infograph from @tonyvincent

Thank you!

April 2024

March 2024

Microsoft Education News!

Reflect in #MicrosoftTeams is an excellent tool for supporting students as they explore and normalize their emotions and feelings.

Please read the blog to discover more ways you can use it in your class this year:

February 2024

January 2024

Force a Copy when sharing Google Workplace

 Look up at the top of your screen when you are working in Docs or Slides and notice how the URL currently ends in edit.  

Simply move your cursor to the end of the url, click on and delete the word edit and replace it with copy. 

Then copy the entire URL and either email it, add it to a presentation, or share it in classroom. Whoever clicks on the link will now only be able to view the materials by making their own copy of it. 

December 2023

Link to a Highlight on a Webpage

November 2023

Google Slides Update! 

You can now draw and write directly on your slides while presenting!

October 2023

Alternatives to Google Jamboard. 

Google will not support Jamboard in 2024. 😞

Thank you @HollyClarkEdu and @jrsowash for your graphs.

September 2023

Turning Webpages into Chrome App Shortcuts

Creating Your Shortcut

Step 1: Open Chrome and visit desired Webpage

Step 2: Select Three Dots on the far upper right-hand side of the screen

Step 3: Hover over More Tools

Step 4: Select Create Shortcut 

Locating your shortcut

Step 1: Select the Launcher icon, the small circle on the bottom left 

Step 2: Find your created shortcut

June 2023

End of Year: Organize your Google Drive

TIP #1: Use naming conventions. 

Example: Make a 2022-2023 Folder and store all your files from that year in that folder.

TIP #2: Create folders and sub-folders.

Example: Make a folder for each subject for better organization.

TIP #3: Color code your folders.

Example: Use color to help you find things faster.

TIP #4: Reorder your folders using numbers.

When you use numbers (or symbols) at the beginning when naming a folder it moves to the top of your drive. Try It!

TIP #5: Don’t touch your Shared with Me folder. 

You are not the owner of these folders, so it is best to leave them alone.

May 2023

Activating Voice Typing on Google Docs

Voice Typing

April 2023

Create Out of Office Or Vacation Reply

Set up your vacation reply

March 2023

Add Shared Meeting Notes to a Google Calendar event.

Create calendar event and enter the title, time, guests and other details. 

Click Add description or attachments.

Create meeting notes will appear.

Click Save. Meeting Notes are automatically saved in your drive.

February 2023

Increase the Cancellation Period of a Sent Email

Use the drop down menu to modify cancellation period

Scroll down and save changes 

Select undo from the prompt window

January 2023

How To Create a Folder in ClassLink

Right Click on any place on dashboard-Select Folder

Name Folder & Select Color.

Folder is created & Drag Drop your App.

Your Apps Are Organized.

December 2022

Windows and Mac

Additional Windows Shortcuts

November 2022 

Screenshot (Snip)

Full Screen Shot

Student Chromebook