Lesson 3.2

Welcome to Honors 10 Unit 3, Lesson 2! This lesson's objective is below...

“Seeing at the Speed of Sound” describes a deaf woman whose loss of hearing impairs her social interactions and her life. In this lesson, students will use this comparative work with the anchor text, to explore the potential impact(s) of scientific advancements on different communities and groups of people.

What are we reading?

  • "Seeing at the Speed of Sound," Rachel Kolb

  • Chapters 6 through 11 of anchor text

Lesson 3.2 Assignments

CLICK HERE to view all must do assignments and due dates for Unit 3

  • Read and annotate chapters 6 through 11 of anchor text + reading quiz on StudySync (M)

  • Complete section 2 of reading guide (M)

  • 3.2 First Read: “Seeing at the Speed of Sound” (M)

  • Final draft of reading guide prompt 2 to Google Classroom (Comparative writing prompt only) (M)

  • Participate in Socratic Seminar #2 (M)

  • 3.2 Verb Phrases (S)

Socratic Seminar #2 Focus

In Chapter 8, Skloot discusses the concept of “benevolent deception” where doctors keep information from patients if it might confuse or upset them. In your Socratic dialogue, argue/discuss whether or not this practice should be used. What are the reasons behind it? What impact does it have on patients? How would you feel if you were benevolently deceived? What impact did it have on Henrietta? Cite evidence from the text to support your argument during your discussion.

Finish Line!

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