Lesson 2.3

Welcome to Honors 10 Unit 2, Lesson 3! In this lesson's objective...

In the two essays presented in “Methods of Motivation,” the authors explore the benefits of internal versus external sources of motivation and examine what drives people to perform and improve. Students will argue whether intrinsic or extrinsic motivators are more compelling to Santiago.

Lesson 2.3 Assignments include...

  • Read and take notes on the anchor text pages 53-89 in preparation for Socratic Seminar #3 on Tuesday- Wednesday, November 17-18 (M)

  • Read "The Methods of Motivation" as a class to prep for the Close Read: The Methods of Motivation assignment (M) suggestively due by Monday, November 16 on StudySync

  • Reasons and Evidence, Logical Fallacies lessons on StudySync (S) taught in class on Tuesday-Wednesday, November 10-12, due by Wednesday, November 18

***Notes on Lesson 2.3***

  • All of the assignments should be completed and turned into StudySync,

  • The 3rd Socratic Seminar will be on Tuesday- Wednesday, November 17-18 and the focus will be: whether intrinsic or extrinsic motivators are more compelling to Santiago

  • Turn in a picture of your Socratic seminar preparation notes to Google Classroom by Tuesday, November 17.

Finish Line

Did you complete all of the assignments for 2.3? Congrats! Click here to jump to lesson 2.4!