Lesson 3.8

"The Meanest Moment of Eternity"

Welcome to English 11 Unit 3, Lesson 8!

Below you will find the objective for this lesson...

After reading this section of the anchor text, students will discuss whether Janie’s adoration of Tea Cake was deserved or undeserved. Additionally, After reading an excerpt of a Student Model draft and reviewing a writing checklist, students will draft a meaningful literary analysis in response to a prompt.

What are we reading in Lesson 3.8?

  • Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God (Anchor Text), Chapters 19-20

Lesson 3.8 Assignments:

CLICK HERE to view deadlines and must do assignments for Unit 3

  • Read and annotate chapters 19 - 20 of anchor text and complete the reading quiz on StudySync (M)

  • Complete section 8 of the reading guide (M)

  • Participate in Socratic Seminar #8 (M)

  • Final draft of literary analysis due by MARCH 11 (M)

Seminar Focus

Think back on the whole of the relationship between Janie and Tea Cake. In the end, Janie dresses Tea Cake in the trappings of royalty, and buries him like a king. Does Tea Cake deserve Janie’s love? Why or why not? In your Socratic Seminar, discuss whether Janie’s adoration of Tea Cake was deserved or undeserved. Point to specific evidence from the text to support your answer.