Lesson 1.9.1


In his “Speech to the Second Virginia Convention,” Patrick Henry gives a rousing call-to-action that helps set the American colonies on the road to independence.

This memorable speech, paired with “A Voice” and “The Story of a Vision,” will give students different cultural perspectives by which to consider how words can shape the future.

Instructional Video + Guided Notes

Go to StudySync and complete the assignment titled "Lesson 1.9.1 Instructional Video Author's Purpose and Point of View" and "Lesson 1.9.1 Instructional Video Language, Style, and Audience." Make sure you write down all vocabulary terms, key ideas, and important facts relevant to the lesson in your English notebook. Submit a picture of your notes to Google Classroom when complete.

Read the Text

Go to StudySync and complete the assignment titled "Lesson 1.9.1 Reading Response. Speech to the Second Virginia Convention"

All aspects of the assignment must be completed to receive credit.


Speech: Differing Perspectives

Patrick Henry clearly states, “Different men often see the same subject in different lights.” This statement is still powerful today. Students will choose a topic and write two speeches with varying perspectives.

With a partner, students should do the following:

  • Select a political, social, or religious issue that has caused some controversy.

  • Partners should research the topic together and identify two major perspectives of the topic.

  • Each student will select a side of the topic to debate further.

  • Each student will write a short speech that articulates his or her perspective.

  • Practice their speech with his or her partner.

  • Provide feedback to his or her partner and rehearse changes.

  • Present to the class on FlipGrid.

  • Click here to go to FlipGrid

To reflect, students should answer the following questions on a Google Doc (independently) and turn it into Google Classroom under "Lesson 1.9.1 Speech Reflection" :

  • Why should we analyze different perspectives of an issue?

  • Does social media expose or deny us from exposure to varying perspectives?

Lesson 1.9.1 Mastery Check

After completing the above tasks and assignments, ask Ms. Simpson for the lesson 1.9.1 mastery check (in-person or via email). Once you have successfully completed it and received the check mark, you may proceed to Lesson 1.10 YOU MUST SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE MASTERY CHECK IN ORDER TO MOVE ON TO LESSON 1.10

Finish Line

All done? Have you submitted all of your assignments? Did you get the okay from Ms. Simpson on your mastery check? Great! Congrats on finishing Lesson 1.9.1! CLICK HERE to jump to Lesson 1.10