Lesson 1.8.1


In Pat Mora’s “A Voice,” the speaker, a first-generation American, explains how her mother inspired her and her siblings to find their own voices and speak up. Reading this text alongside “The Story of a Vision” and “Speech to the Second Virginia Convention."

These texts will prompt students to consider how words can have an impact across generations.

Instructional Video + Guided Notes

N/A (none for this assignment)

Read the Text

Go to StudySync and complete the assignment titled "Lesson 1.8.1 A Voice Reading Response."

All aspects of the assignment must be completed to receive credit.


Literary Analysis:

As “A Voice” begins, the speaker is nervous about how others will perceive her at a speech contest due to her background. How does the speaker’s characterization of her mother convey her attitude toward her background? Write a 300 word essay using evidence from the text to convey your thoughts. Submit your essay to Google Classroom to the assignment titled "Lesson 1.8.1 A Voice Essay"

Lesson 1.8.1 Mastery Check

After completing the above tasks and assignments, ask Ms. Simpson for the lesson 1.8.1 mastery check (in-person or via email). Once you have successfully completed it and received the check mark, you may proceed to Lesson 1.9. YOU MUST SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE MASTERY CHECK IN ORDER TO MOVE ON TO LESSON 1.9

Finish Line

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