Lesson 2.2


Describe the relationship between a character and a setting

Key Questions:

  • What is the relationship between the aspects (e.g., location, time of day, geography) of a setting and a character?

  • What is the relationship between a setting's historical time period and a character?

  • What is the relationship between the society or culture of a setting and a character? (e.g. what is the character's role in the society/culture, to what degree is a character accepted by his or her society/culture, to what degree does the society/culture esteem a character)?

Text of Study:

Ambrose Bierce's "Chickamauga"

Click here for online PDF or ask Simpson for a paper copy

Assignment #1:

After reading Bierce's story, students should develop a double-entry journal with the text on the left side. On the right side, students should write questions about the speaker's relationship with the setting(s) of the story. Then, they should prepare their initial responses to those questions using textual evidence. Double-entry journals should be used to prepare for a Socratic Seminar on the text. Double-entry journals are due October 14th by midnight on Google Classroom.

Collaborative Practice:

Students should complete the above double-entry journal in order to prepare for a Socratic Seminar on Thursday, October 15th. Students that are virtual that day should join the discussion remotely via Google Meet Link on Google Classroom or below:


Students should turn in their journals prior to the Socratic Seminar to Google Classroom.