Lesson 2.1


Identify and describe specific textual details that convey or reveal a setting and explain the function of setting in a narrative

Key Questions:

  • How do details in a text convey or reveal more aspects of a setting (e.g., location, time of day, year, season, geography, culture)?

  • What are the relationships between a text's setting and other literary elements?

  • How does a setting affect readers of that text?

  • How do a text's various settings contribute to meaning and its overall effect?

Text of Study:

Audre Lorde's "Fourth of July"

Click here for online PDF or ask Simpson for a paper copy

Assignment #1:

Students will identify and mark setting descriptions and details in Lorde's text. Then, students will sketch a map of the setting(s) based on the setting details. Students will then complete a graphic organizer using inference skills to describe the culture of the text's setting (due October 6th).

Progress Check:

Go to your College Board account and complete the assigned progress check on setting (Progress Check #1 Setting and Character). Click here to go to College Board. Due by 4:00 PM on October 6th.

Collaborative Practice:

Students should generate a list of the various settings found in Lorde's work and identify - via student votes - what they believe are the four most significant settings in the novel. Students should then develop 8 to 10 questions about these settings in order to engage in a Socratic Seminar to discuss such ideas as the setting's relationship with other literary elements, how the setting affects reader's experiences with the text, and how the setting contributes to meaning. Socratic Seminar will be held on Thursday, October 9th. Students that are virtual that day should join the discussion remotely via Google Meet Link on Google Classroom or below:


Students should turn in their questions prior to the Socratic Seminar to Google Classroom.