Stepney Elementary Library
Library Catalog - Destiny Discover
Library Volunteer Sign-Up- March
Please make sure when sending in a book replacement to either attach your late slip or put your child's name and classroom number.
Stepney Library News
This past week: Feb. 24th-28th
Feb. 17th-21st Feb. 10th-14th Feb. 3rd-7th Jan. 27th-31st Jan. 20th-24th Jan. 13th-17th
Jan. 6th-10th Jan. 2nd-3rd Dec. 16th-20th Dec. 9th-13th Dec. 2nd-6th
Nov. 25th-27th Nov. 18th-22nd Nov. 11th-15th Nov. 4th-8th Oct. 28th-Nov.1st
Oct. 21st-25th Oct. 14th-18th Oct. 7th-11th Sept.30th-Oct. 4th
Sept. 23rd-27th Sept. 16th-20th Sept. 9th-13th Sept. 2nd-6th
Mrs. Pecca
Tues., Wed., Thurs. PM
Mrs. Deluke
Mon., Thurs. AM, Fri.