Admission Requirements

Criteria for Falcon Academy Enrollment

Monroe County High School Falcon Academy was created many years ago to accommodate students in many different facets behaviorally, academically, and emotionally to make them successful students.  However, when the Falcon Academy was designed it was modeled to have specific requirements before students could be enrolled.  In order for a student to be enrolled in one of our programs, the following 3 steps must be followed:

The Falcon Academy offers three very unique programs.  

     Disrespect/Defiance/Insubordination, Rude Behavior

1st offense-1 full day of AEP/in-school suspension

2nd offense-2 full days of AEP/in-school suspension and parent conference

3rd offense-multiple days in AEP/in-school suspension, parent conference, and

FA referral 

     Falcon Academy placement would be left up to the administration's discretion on

     timeframe and depends on the severity of the issues; the final length of placement is

     the decision of the Falcon Academy principal

Per district policy there are some behaviors that require automatic Falcon Academy placements; but the referral form, IC documentation, and communication are still required.  Such as:

For any Falcon Academy placement, communication with Falcon Academy principal needs to be had before any length of placement has been given to a student.  The final decision on length of placement is left up to the Falcon Academy principal.  Due to the size of our building, availability may be limited at times; in those cases, Monroe Co. High School will have first priority to those slots.  We offer amazing programs here at Falcon Academy (MCHS) and we appreciate the support we get from the administration here at MCHS and at the district level.  We always recommend communicating regularly with us if you foresee needing Falcon Academy services for your students.