Mr. Schultz
Physical Education Log
Print out the above log
Fill in date, activity and how many minutes per activity
* Goal is at least 60 minutes a day
Example: Wednesday 3-18 (Fill in activity boxes for that day)
Walking 30 minutes, Push-ups 10 minutes, Vacuuming 15 minutes, Stretching 5 minutes
Suggested Activities
Walking/jogging Biking (helmet on) Jumping Jacks/Jump Roping
Push-ups Sit-ups/Crunches Squat thrusts
Mountain climbers Crab walking Pull-up/flex are hang
Stretching Yoga Planks
Dancing Juggling (scarves) Leg lifts
*Even doing house chores!
Vacuuming Cleaning your room Washing dishes
Folding Laundry Walking the dog Making your bed