Our Services

We offer a variety of services, from testing and procuring hardware, and running workshops, to developing extended reality software to meet your needs.


VARS provide assistance with the purchasing, reviews, troubleshooting and quick setup guidance of the below mentioned devices.

VR is a technology that immerses users in a fully artificial digital environment.

MR is a technology that not just overlays, but anchors virtual objects to the real world.

Haptic Feedback Devices are used to provide the haptic feedback during VR experiences, these haptics make the VR experience more immersive.

These devices are used to track the motion of players or objects in a live VR experience.

These are the laptops which are compatible with VR Headsets (*not required for Oculus standalone headsets).

These cameras are used to capture the 360 filming for the 360 VR experience recording.

These are some of the useful supporting accessories used for VR experience.

Standard Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR)/Mixed Reality (MR) 

VARS offers educators an opportunity to discuss ideas in the use of AR, VR and MR. This includes the need and what application might be most effective, along with pedagogical and technology advice on how to design an activity. 

Proof of Concepts (POCs)

POCs are where we take an idea and develop it in an Agile way to demonstrate whether it is worthwhile developing further or not. A successful POC then becomes strong visual evidence for pursuing grants to support that further development. 


VARS will periodically either develop or support workshops and seminars related to use of AR, VR  and MR. These activities provide opportunities for educators and managers to gain further insight into this technology and its application in enhancing the student learning experience.  

Equipment Loan and Specification

Currently VARS, following discussions about potential requirements, can provide interested parties with an appropriate piece of technology so that they may get a better feel for its capabilities. 

Enabling Educators

Through the use of POCs, workshops, seminars and equipment loans, plus a range of information sharing through the AR/VR Simulation Strategy Special Interest Group in Workplace, VARS strives to reach out and support all educators.

AR/VR/MR Development Expertise

Working with educators from various faculties provides VARS with opportunities to enable educators to further develop their expertise in collaboration with VARS. Opportunities for undergraduate students to develop their skills in this area is offered, such as through the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) program, the Industry Based Learning (IBL) program and Monash Healthcare Innovation Summer Scholarships (HISS) program as part of Monash Young MedTech Innovators (MYMI).