
Note: More of an idea. for each student's page, have a wide picture (landscape) profile of each students for their header title. Take a nice picture with a nice background, students posing on one of the side, center of the pic. will have room to fit their names (title) on the page.

Members of the MCCTC

Here are the list of members who are part of the MCCTC. Click on their names to see their profile and get to know their unique personalities.

Sample: click on Sharnelle Kaili down below to see an example of a profile being developed. Get ideas or share improvements to make the profile more appealing.

  • Diane Mokuau - Co Head Advisor
  • Ric Ornellas - Co Head Advisor
  • Karen Harada - CFO
  • Emilio Macalalad

Comment Section

Comment here for improvements. or requests.