Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the 2022 PSLE Score Range for Zhonghua Secondary?

The PSLE Score Range for Zhonghua Secondary School for 2021 and 2022 are summarised below:

PSLE Year 2021 2022

Express                       8 - 13 6 - 14

Normal Academic      21 - 23 21 - 23

Normal Technical       25 - 27 25 - 28

Starting from the 2023 Primary 6 cohort, students will be posted to secondary schools through 3 Posting Groups: Posting Groups 1, 2, and 3. The PSLE score ranges will be mapped from the existing Normal (Technical), Normal (Academic) and Express courses respectively. 

The actual PSLE score ranges will only be available the day before the Secondary 1 Registration Exercise.


More information on MOE’s revised PSLE scoring system (from 2021) is available here: 

You can also find out more from MOE's SchoolFinder.

2. Does Zhonghua Secondary offer Full Subject-Based Banding to Sec 1 students in 2024?

From 2024, all secondary schools in Singapore will implement Full Subject-Based Banding.

Zhonghua Secondary School is one of 30+ secondary schools that implemented Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB) from 2023, one year ahead of national implementation. The 2024 cohort of Secondary 1 students will be grouped in mixed form classes, comprising students from different courses of study. The students will also offer common subjects such as CCE, PE, Art, Music, D&T and FCE in their mixed form classes.

For more details on how Zhonghua Sec has been implementing Full SBB, please visit our website at:

3. How many Secondary 1 classes does Zhonghua Secondary have in 2023? 

8 classes.

4. How do I get to Zhonghua Secondary?

You can click on this link to find out the different ways to get to our school.

5.  What is the start-time and end-time on regular school days? 

All students must report to school before 7.30am.

School ends around 2.00pm for Secondary One and Two students. For the Upper Secondary levels, the end-time on different days varies from 2.30pm to 3.00pm, depending on students’ subject combinations. 

On days when students have to attend CCAs (Mon, Wed or Thursday) depending on the CCAs, the end-time is around 6.00pm. 

6. Will students have to purchase their own Personal Learning Device (PLD)?

Through the National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP), all secondary school students will own a school-prescribed personal learning device (PLD), which will be used in tandem with the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS), as well as other educational technology tools, to create a student-centric teaching and learning environment.

The current PLD model for our students is the Microsoft Surface Go 3. The cost of the device bundle can be paid fully or partly using students' Edusave account (for Singapore citizens). Students who require additional funding support can apply for subsidies from the school.

For more details of Zhonghua Sec's NDLP journey, please click here

7. What are the Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) offered by Zhonghua Secondary? 

Uniformed Groups                                                                                                                         

Sports Groups

Performing Arts Groups 

Clubs and Societies 

8.  What are the signature programmes offered by Zhonghua Secondary?

Our future-ready curriculum and signature programmes equip our students with 21st Century Competencies to prepare them to be scholars and leaders of the future with a heart to lead and serve the community. 

The signature programmes are:

You can find out more about the individual programmes here.

9. How does Zhonghua Secondary nurture students' talent and passion?

We have a Talent Development Programme  (TDP @Zhonghua) to nurture students who show great aptitude, strong interest and motivation in the cognitive domain. This is a 4-year enriched curriculum customised and differentiated for selected students.

Riding on the national push for STEM education, curated programmes are tailored to stretch students for exposure to disciplines and areas of interest in alignment with Zhonghua’s vision of cultivating Scholars o Leaders. 

You can read more about the programme here.

10. What are the Student Leadership opportunities available in Zhonghua Secondary? 

The Student Leadership Programme @ ZHSS programme aims to provide students with a roadmap of the school's intent to develop essential attributes and competencies that future leaders should embody. 

This roadmap clearly defines our vision, mission, belief, framework and our approach to ensure every student is given the opportunity to grow as a leader in their 4 or 5-year journey with us.  

You can find out more about student leadership programme here.

11. What are the special subjects offered by Zhonghua Secondary?

13. What subjects are available at Upper Secondary?

Subject offerings are reviewed yearly and may vary across years based on students' interest, and manpower and physical resources. 

We currently offer the following subjects for our Upper Secondary students:

Express/ G3 (7 - 8 subjects)
Compulsory subjects: English, Mother Tongue, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Elective Humanities (Social Studies with Geography OR Social Studies with History), Pure Science (Physics, Chemistry) OR Combined Science (Physics + Chemistry)
Elective subjects: Full Geography, Full History, Full Literature in English, Biology, Computing, Art Elective Programme, Malay Special Programme

Normal (Academic)/ G2 (7 subjects)
Compulsory subjects: English, Mother Tongue, Mathematics, Combined Science (Physics + Chemistry), Elective Humanities (Social Studies with Geography OR Social Studies with History)
Elective subjects: Additional Mathematics, Principles of Accounts, Art, Design & Technology, Nutrition & Food Science

Normal (Technical)/ G1 (6 subjects)
Compulsory subjects: English, Mother Tongue, Mathematics, Computer Applications*, Social Studies (non-examinable)
Elective subjects: Science, Elements of Business Skills, Art, Design & Technology, Nutrition & Food Science

*Computer Applications will be renamed as G1 Computing from 2026.

14. Who can students and parents reach out to for additional support in school?

Each class has two Form Teachers that students and parents can approach for form class matters. Each cohort also has a Year Head who oversees all programmes and matters relating to the holistic development students across the cohort. In addition, we have two School Counsellors and two Special Educational Needs (SEN) Officers to provide emotional and educational support to students who require it.