
Creating Poetry with ChatGPT: A Student's Guide

Poetry is a beautiful way to express emotions, experiences, and creativity. With advancements in technology, AI like ChatGPT can assist in this creative process. However, the key to impactful poetry lies in personal touch. This guide will show you how to use ChatGPT effectively to create poetry that resonates with your unique experiences and emotions.

Step 1: Understanding ChatGPT's Capabilities

Step 2:  Identifying Your Theme and Emotions

Step 3: Crafting Your Prompt

Step 4: Collaborating with ChatGPT

Step 5: Personalising the AI-Generated Poetry

Step 6: Refining your Poem

Step 7: Reflecting and Sharing

Using ChatGPT for poetry can be a fun and educational experience.
The key is to use it as a starting point or a collaborative tool, while ensuring that your personal voice and experiences are at the forefront of your poetic creation.

Create your own!

Want to make your own AI-assisted Poetry? Submit your best work to us by clicking the button below.