P2 Challenge

What's your Challenge

Computational Thinking in Art

Let us take a look at how computational thinking can be applied in Art.

How will you draw the picture above?

A computational thinker will break down this picture into smaller, simpler parts. An example will be to draw equal sized grid lines over the picture. (Decomposition)

A computational thinker will zoom in to Row 1 and start counting the grids (boxes) that have to be coloured in red or green. For example, starting from the left in Row 1, he or she has to skip 4 grids, colour 1 grid red, skip 4 grids. He or she will repeatedly do this until he or she reaches Row 9. (Abstraction and algorithmic thinking)

Example of your task

You will be given a picture with grid boxes.

1. Create a set of instructions so that whoever reads your instructions will know how to draw the picture.

Rules of the task:

1. Your instructions must begin from the left side of row 1.

2. You should only use the words “Skip (number of boxes).” Or “Colour (number of boxes) (Colour).”

3. Create the most efficient instructions by spotting patterns between rows.

Picture with grid boxes

Do you notice that the instructions in Row 6 is same as Row 4 because the pattern in Row 6 and Row 4 is the same?

Can you spot any other rows that have the same pattern?

We can make our instructions simpler by using the word “Repeat row (row number)”.

For example, we can change our current instructions.


More efficient instructions

Final answer

Your Task

1. Look at picture 1 that is given to you and create a set of instructions in worksheet 1. (The first row has been done for you.)

2. Using the format of worksheet 1, write down your instructions on a piece of foolscap paper.

3. Try to see if you can identify any pattern between the rows to make your instructions more efficient.

4. After you are done, take a picture and upload it via the Dropbox link at the bottom of the page.

Picture 1

SUBMITTING your work

Follow the instruction below on how to upload and submit your work.

Step 1

Choose the file to upload

Step 2

Rename your file according to this format:


e.g. " P1A_Zhiwe12345F"

Step 3

For First name, enter your class

For Last name, enter your SLS username

Lastly, enter a valid email address

Click Upload when you are done

Let's Go! Click the button ↓ to submit.