On 3 April 2023, Monday morning, the Infocomm Club seniors advocate to Tampinesians on the topic 'Cyber Citizenship.' The team is lead by Infocomm Club President and Vice President; Isabelle 4E1 and Celeste Han 4E4. The team consists of Jarrett Seow 4E4, Ilhan Danial and Muhd Khaleeq Haneef 4E2 and Rainie Lim as well as Muhd Nur Firdaus 4N2. The team worked diligently and came out with presentation slides on Cyber Citizenship, an animation clip entitled 'Click Away for a Better Internet' and a quiz. During recess, the club will be holding a Cyber Wellness Roadshow. The club will showcase Cyber wellness Legomation done by the Sec 1 members. 

Click_away_from_a_better_internet by Isabelle ICC 4E1.mp4
Stop Cyber bullying by Clarice Guek ICC 1-1.mp4
Think Before You Post by Jay ICC 1-7.mp4
Block it! by Raghav ICC.mp4
Rianne ICC legomation video.mp4