
Dear parents/students,

Do check this page periodically for NEW updates.

Chromebook Purchase

Please click here for more information on the compulsory purchase of Chromebook for your child/ward.

Orders can be submitted here: https://go.gov.sg/pdlpadmin

school-based health and dental services

Your consent is needed for your child to receive the important vaccination and dental services (from 2 Jan 2024 onwards).


Please check for the timetable updates here. 

Lessons for Sec 1 will begin in Week 2, 8 Jan 2024 (Mon).

Sec 1 PARENT engagement cum cca open house

20 Jan 2024, Sat (8.30 am - 11.30 am)

Please view the video for more information on Triple P.

Intro Video for Secondary Schools.mp4

Come JOIN the PSG!

Click on the QR code

Or Click here --> https://go.gov.sg/opsspsg2024