Eco Art Gallery

Experience is our best teacher. Environmental issues around us are becoming more real and pressing.

Hand in hand with our school's Applied Learning Programme (ALP) - Nurturing a Thinking.Holistic.Innovative.Networked.Kid for Home Earth, the Art Department has developed an Eco-Art Module from Primary One to Primary Six; for students to learn from their own experience, how art making can be beautiful and meaningful.

Through these learning experiences in Art, we hope to nurture students into competent, proactive, responsible and engaged citizens, ready face challenges with wisdom, courage and confidence.

Primary One

What a Catch!

Instead of throwing away newspaper, old socks and fabric, students give these old resources a new life by transforming them into cute sea creatures. In this module, students also learnt how to create simple 3D forms by stuffing and shaping newspaper into the “skin” made from the old socks and fabric. Plastic buttons and beads were also used to adorn these upcycled 3D plushies, making them look more life-like with visual details.

Primary Two

Leaf Explorations

A closer look at the fine and delicate details of Nature helps us to appreciate more of what we have. In this module, students did a series of artworks involving leaves. They made leaf stampings that captured the “identity” and unique features of each leaf. They also learnt to stretch their imagination and creativity by redefining objects in their leaf collages.

Primary Three

Sustainable Playgrounds

Students used their creativity to manipulate paper in different ways, like twisting, folding, layering, and trimming. In their explorations, students created 3D paper structures that resembled playground features, such as swings, slides and see-saws. To make it all the more “sustainable”, students also used different types recycled paper in the construction of their playground. Each and every playground turned out to be one of a kind, yet all bearing the signature of “Creative Reuse for Zero Waste”!

Primary Four


This unconventional art-making experience is not one to be forgotten. Students literally used recycled paper, broken down into pulp, to create their very own handmade paper. Using water as a carrier medium, students fluidly arranged the coloured pulp in their own artistic expression to create 100% recycled artworks that would spark joy to viewers.

Primary Five

Digital art with eco message

With technology, students were able to take art making to the next level. Technology made up for the lack of ideas and technical skills, and presented an opportunity for students of different profile, readiness and interest levels to engage and stretch their creative potential. In this module, students used iPads to create digital artworks with a slogan or ‘shout out’ on how to care for the environment.

Primary Six

fruity plaster moulds

For a greener future, it is vital that we learn how to make sustainable food choices. Eating less meat (and more fruits and vegetables) is a great way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and forest areas cleared for grazing. Understanding our impact on the environment is key to tackling climate change, and one great way to spread awareness to our community is through our lovely artworks!

The End