Leadership Development


At the core of the PRCS approach to leadership development is the belief that all students possess leadership potential, hence 'Every Crestian a Leader'. This philosophy is embedded in our school's vision, which is encapsulated as 'Our Caring Home. Our CRESTian Leaders.'

“Our CRESTian Leader” personifies the school’s core values of Care, Resilience, Excellence, Self-belief and Trustworthiness. Our array of Student Development Experiences (SDEs) and student leadership appointments create significant opportunities for cultivating responsible and self-disciplined leaders among all Crestians. The observable demonstration of leadership competencies by our Crestians aligns with Kouzes and Posner's 5 Key Practices of the Student Leadership Challenge.


Our school employs a tiered approach to student leadership development, tailored to each Crestian's unique leadership potential. Each tier of CRESTian leaders corresponds to the level of influence they exert, spanning from self-leadership (Tier 1) to leadership over the entire student body (Tier 4). Students can expect diverse leadership positions within their classes, Co-Curricular Activities (CCA), and the broader school community, all of which offer opportunities for refining their leadership skills. In addition to our comprehensive workshops, our school-wide strategy leverages teacher-student and student-student relationships to ensure that every tier of CRESTian leaders receives comprehensive support on their lifelong leadership journey.



All Crestians undergo training in the 5 Key Practices of The Student Leadership Challenge during their Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) lessons in Lower Secondary classes and at the Secondary 3 Leadership Training Camp. Furthermore, our SDEs, like the annual Cheering Competition and Level Camp, offer Crestians the platform to put these 5 Key Practices into action and refine their leadership abilities within group or class settings. 


PRCS initiated its participation in the NYAA programme back in 2002, driven by our belief in the NYAA's capacity to help Crestians realise their full potential and nurture resilience in each of them. This programme offers Crestians a platform to not only embody the CREST values but also develop Social and Emotional Learning competencies and 21st Century Competencies aimed at preparing our students for future challenges.

The school utilises a range of existing programmes to fulfil the criteria set by NYAA, enabling the entire Secondary Two cohort to attain the Bronze award. We actively encourage students to further challenge themselves by enrolling in the NYAA Silver award programme during Secondary Three, as it motivates students to exercise self-leadership.

The NYAA Programme comprises three fundamental components that every participant must fulfil:

1.      Healthy Living (Physical & Mental Wellness)

2.      Outdoor Appreciation (To be at Ease with Nature)

3.      Service Learning (Touching Lives, Making a Difference)

Each year, the school hosts a NYAA ceremony in July and September to recognise and honour both Bronze and Silver awardees for their outstanding achievements and dedication to the programme. 



Crestians who serve as positive role models and exert a beneficial influence on their peers may be selected to join the Class Committee. They undergo additional training to enhance their communication and presentation skills, enabling them to take on a more prominent leadership role within the class during SDEs such as the annual Cheering Competition and Values in Action projects.


Upper Secondary students who exhibit passion and dedication to their Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) may be appointed as members of the CCA Executive Committee. They organise CCA-related activities and play a pivotal role in guiding and supporting their peers and juniors, helping them enhance their skills and abilities. 

Secondary Two Crestians have the opportunity to be part of the Lower Secondary CCA Committee, where they collaborate with older peers and teachers to oversee the Lower Secondary section of their CCAs. Secondary Two CCA Junior Leaders who display outstanding leadership qualities are selected to participate in a half-day leadership training camp to further develop the 5 Key Practices of the Student Leadership Challenge.


The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of each class constitute the Level Executive Committee. This committee is responsible for organising bonding events that involve the entire level, and represent their respective levels during school-wide events organised by the Crestian Senior Leaders. These activities offer them an additional opportunity to further develop their project management and collaboration skills, complementing the 5 Key Practices outlined in the Student Leadership Challenge. 


Peer Support and Relationship (PSR) plays a crucial role in promoting emotional well-being and a sense of belonging among students through Peer Bonding, Peer Helping and Peer Influencing. Strong peer relationships can be powerful channels of positive influence and help to deter negative behaviours like bullying, promote emotional well-being and strengthen a sense of belonging among Crestians.

Level 1 PSR development through CCE lessons and SDEs helps students acquire the foundational knowledge and skills needed for effective peer support and relationship-building. Level 2 PSR development involves the selection and training of Peer Support Leaders (PSLs) who take on a leadership role in promoting PSR. These leaders are equipped with specialised skills to champion inclusivity through advocacy and school-wide initiatives, thereby building a more cohesive culture in PRCS.

PSR Framework
Tiers of PSR
Sharing in class
Training session by our external partners


Aligned with the Ministry of Education's Eco Stewardship Programme, environmental education at PRCS encompasses a comprehensive approach aimed at nurturing our students to learn, practice, and actively contribute to a sustainable Singapore. Our Eco-Sustainability Leaders (ESLs) take the lead in driving several initiatives aimed at promoting a more environmentally conscious lifestyle among fellow Crestians, such as:

Students actively participate in setting up and maintaining recycling corners in their classrooms, promoting responsible waste management and eco-conscious practices.

Embracing urban farming initiatives, our students engage in hands-on experiences that highlight the importance of sustainable agriculture in an urban context.

We offer specialised learning experiences for our ESLs, including Values in Action projects, learning journeys, workshops and conferences to explore current environmental issues and sustainable practices, fostering critical thinking and awareness. Through hands-on experiences, advocacy, and community engagement, we mould our Crestians into environmentally conscious, self-disciplined, and proactive global citizens who are dedicated to a sustainable future.



At PRCS, the Crestian Senior Leaders (CSL) Board represents the highest echelon of student leadership. This distinguished group is under the guidance of the Student Council Executive Committee and comprises Senior Councillors and the top two leaders from each CCA.

The CSLs undergo a 3-day, 2-night Leadership Camp, where they collaborate and employ creative problem-solving techniques rooted in the 5 Key Practices of the Student Leadership Challenge. This comprehensive training equips them with both the essential skills and right mindset needed to excel in their leadership roles within the Student Council and their respective CCAs.

CSLs are entrusted with a high degree of autonomy and responsibility. They take the lead in organising and executing student-initiated projects and have a pivotal role in overseeing major school-wide events. These events, including the Staff Appreciation Week, Crestians' Day, and Secondary One Orientation, are instrumental in fostering a profound sense of unity, appreciation, and belonging within the school community.


As the highest-ranking leaders within their CCAs (e.g., Captains, Presidents and Chairpersons), CCA Leaders assume the responsibility of mentoring and directing the CCA Executive Committee in the conceptualisation and planning of various programmes and initiatives. This guidance extends to close collaboration with instructors and teachers to ensure that their teams are meticulously prepared for significant events such as competitions and performances.


Student Councillors at PRCS undergo a rigorous nomination and selection process, earning their appointment as esteemed role models and dedicated representatives of the Crestian student body. They play a multifaceted role in supporting day-to-day activities and contributing to the maintenance of discipline while actively promoting a positive school culture. Secondary Two Junior Councillors participate in a half-day leadership training camp to foster the development of their leadership abilities in terms of the 5 Key Practices of the Student Leadership Challenge. 

Student Councillors may also have the opportunity to participate in leadership competitions and attend workshops hosted by external organisations, gaining fresh perspectives and valuable insights into leadership practices. These experiences go a long way in further developing their skills and knowledge, allowing them to contribute meaningfully not only within the school but also in broader societal contexts.

Our 22nd Student Council 


The annual Student Council Presidential Election serves as a platform to empower Crestians and encourage their active participation in the growth and development of the school. The elected Student Council Executive Committee, under the guidance of the President, assumes a critical role in introducing innovative initiatives and leading the Crestian Senior Leaders' Board in organising school-wide student-led events. Their collective efforts are dedicated to creating a vibrant, inclusive, and supportive school community and embody the principles of democracy and student agency, driving positive change and enriching the Crestian experience.

22nd Student Council Executive Committee

President: Yap Le Ying Verena

Vice-Presidents: Dani Muhamad Bin Norham & Mahreen Jinan

Secretary: Lee Jing Xuan

Council Bonding Officer: Lee Bei Qi Jecolea

School Bonding Officers: Aryan Verma, Fu Chuanyue Eldrick & P M Siti Feminah