Grade and return an assignment

In Classroom, you can give a numeric grade, leave comment-only feedback, or do both. You can also return assignments without grades.

You can grade and return work from:

For Grades page instructions, go to View or update your gradebook.

You can download grades for one assignment or for all assignments in a class.

Enter, review or changes grades

When you enter a grade, it syncs between the grading tool, the Grades page, and the Student work page. 

As you grade assignments, you might notice that the work or grade status is color coded:

Other colors are based on your class theme and don’t indicate work or grade status.

Return work or download grades

Students can’t edit any files attached to an assignment until you return it. When you return work, students get notifications if they’re turned on. You can return work, with or without a grade, to one or more students at a time.