Sec 1 Registration Day (23 Dec 2020)

Q1: What should I do on Registration Day?

  • Please register your child's attendance by acknowledging message sent on Parents Gateway (PG).

  • Download Sec 1 Information booklet and Annexes for information on S1 matters.

  • Sign-up for the Online Engagement Session happening on 23rd Dec 2020.

Q2: How do I check my child's class?

  • You may check your child's assigned class via the PG message sent.

Q3: Can I walk in for Sec 1 Registration?

  • According to MOE guidelines, Sec 1 Registration is to be conducted online. Should you face any difficulties, please contact our office staff at 6759 8547 or email us at opss@moe.edu.sg

Q4: How do I know if my child is offered Subject-based Banding (SBB), Higher Mother Tongue (HMT) or 3rd Languages?

  • If your child is eligible for these programmes, you will be notified via Parents Gateway (PG) by 23 Dec 2020, 9 am.

  • Please indicate your acceptance/rejection/acknowledgement via PG by 28 Dec, 9 am.

Sec 1 Orientation Programme (4 - 6 Jan 2021)

Q1: What is the Sec 1 Orientation Programme about?

  • The Sec 1 Orientation programme is a 3-day programme, which aims to help your child transit from Primary to Secondary school life.

  • You may refer to the Sec 1 (2021) Information Booklet pages 18 - 20 for more details.

Q2: What is the dismissal time?

  • The dismissal time for 4 - 6 Jan is 3.00pm.

Q3: What does my child need to wear during the Sec 1 Orientation Programme?

  • Wearing a school uniform helps a student to feel a part of the school. This is especially important as our students come from many different primary schools. Therefore students should report to school in their Orchid Park Secondary School Uniforms. However, if students are not able to purchase their uniforms in time, they are allowed to use their primary school uniforms but they need to purchase their OPSS uniform by the end of the first week of school.

Q4: What does my child need to bring for the Sec 1 Orientation Programme?

  • Please ensure that your child brings along his/her PE attire, school tie, writing materials, water bottle and an English storybook. You may refer to Page 20 of the Information booklet.

Timetable Matters

The reporting time for school is 7.40am and the general dismissal time is 2.30pm (Mon, Tue and Thu), 1.20pm (Wed) and 12.35pm(Fri). However, your child may be released earlier or later depending on the class timetable and CCA. Do refer to the class timetable that will be on the school website, for the actual dismissal time.

The timetable is projected to be released by Sat 2 Jan 2021. However, we seek your understanding if the release of the timetable is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. As the students will be attending the Secondary One Orientation for the first 3 days, lessons will only start on Thu 7 Jan 2021 for the secondary one students.

The timetable will be released on the school website (https://orchidparksec.moe.edu.sg/). A printed copy of the timetable will also be given to each student through the class mentors during the orientation.

DIscipline in OPSS

We firmly subscribe to the philosophy of ‘Discipline with Care’. We believe that this process serves as an educational opportunity for students to learn and correct themselves when they make mistakes. Consequences may or may not be meted out depending on the nature of the misbehaviour or offences committed.

Rules on Usage of Mobile Phones

The school allows students to bring their mobile phone to school but with conditions so that the phones do not become a distraction in or outside class when learning is taking place.

Students are allowed to bring their mobile phones to school and there is a set of school rules governing the usage. Students can use their mobile phone during recess, before and after school. Do note that usage of the mobile phone is restricted to the ground level only. These rules pertaining to the use of mobile phones will be made known to your child during the Sec 1 Orientation. They can also be found in the students’ organizer which your child will receive within the first week of school.

The school rules on the use of mobile phones also serve to provide a sense of peace and security for all members of the school community.

CCA/PE-related Matters

Students will go through 4 CCA exposure days to allow them to know the schools’ CCAs better and to make an informed choice about their preferred CCA through an online platform. They are expected to start their CCA formally on 16th Feb. More information will be given during the Sec 1 PTM which will take place on 16th Jan.

There are 2 sessions of CCA per week, each lasting 70 mins. Students will receive more information during their orientation.

As part of their PE curriculum, students can look forward to the following:

Sec 1 - Orienteering at Yishun Park and Lower Seletar Reservoir

Sec 2 - Introduction to Kayaking and Dragon Boating, 4D3N Level camp

Sec 3 - Outward Bound School

Sec 4 - Gym programme with Sports SG Yishun

Students cannot use outside activities as part of their CCA. The only exception is only when they are training with the National Team endorsed by National Sports Association, National Projects of Excellence operated by MOE (Singapore Youth Orchestra and Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra). This is because school-based CCAs are facilitated by trained MOE educators and provide common platforms to build students’ character and competencies in alignment with 21st-century competencies framework.

Subject-Based Banding Matters

Q1: My child missed the eligibility criteria for SBB (Sec) subjects but has a strong passion for the subject. May I appeal for my child to take the subject at a more demanding level?

· Students are eligible for Subject-Based Banding (Secondary) [SBB (Sec)] subjects at multiple points throughout their secondary school education. The first point they may be eligible is at the start of Sec 1 based on their individual subject scores at the PSLE.

· Subsequently, they have opportunities to be identified for SBB (Sec) subjects in the middle of Sec 1, start of Sec 2, and so on, based on their performance in school. The school will work with them to ensure that they take the subject at the appropriate level.

Q2: Will there be additional school-based support for a child who takes a subject at a more demanding level under SBB (Sec)?

Schools employ a variety of approaches to help students taking subjects at a more demanding level under Subject-Based Banding (Secondary) [SBB(Sec)] adjust both academically and emotionally. Support measures may include:

  • Bridging and remedial lessons where necessary;

  • Regular dialogue sessions with students to motivate them as well as to allow them to surface their learning concerns; and

  • Monitoring of student well-being and academic progress, both for the subject(s) at the more demanding level as well as the remaining subjects.

Q3: When will students be offered to take subjects at a more demanding level? How will the schools inform parents of eligible students to take up subjects at a more demanding level?

Eligible students will be offered to take subjects at a more demanding level at four different junctures:

a. Start of Secondary 1

b. Mid-point of Secondary 1

c. End of Secondary 1

d. End of Secondary 2

Similar to current practice, upon meeting the eligibility criteria, schools will issue a letter of offer for the respective subjects to parents of eligible students. Parents can then decide whether to accept the offer for the child to take up subjects at a more demanding level.

Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s school should they have any queries regarding the child’s eligibility, and to also consult the school before deciding if they would accept the offer.

Q4: What if my child struggles with the higher-level subject?

• Students are encouraged to continue with the higher-level subjects until the end of

Sec 2, as students do need time to adjust to the higher academic demands.

• Our school will monitor students’ progress in the higher-level subjects as well as overall progress in all subjects, and will endeavour to provide the necessary support to students to help them cope.

Q5: What are the possible benefits of taking higher-level subjects?

• Some students (and parents) have shared that SBB allows the students to challenge themselves, and to have more options for Sec 3 subject combinations and post-secondary courses.

• A strong foundation in literacy, numeracy and reasoning, would ensure students are better prepared for various post-secondary progression pathways (e.g. to ITE and Polytechnic).

Q6: Will my child continue with the higher-level subjects all the way to Sec 4?

• Your child may continue with the corresponding higher-level subject at upper secondary if he/she meets our school’s criteria at the end of Sec 2.

Mother Tongue Matters

Q1: How do we know whether to buy Mother Tongue books at standard level or higher level?

  • Students have to purchase their Mother Tongue book according to the stream they have been offered, unless they are being offered an SBB MT or wish to take up Higher Mother Tongue offered by MOE or are applying for Higher Mother Tongue offered our school.

Q2: What time does the Higher Mother Tongue lesson starts?

  • Higher Mother Tongue lessons are made up of 7 periods. These lessons will generally be held during curriculum hours. There will be one period that will be held outside curriculum lessons. Depending on the timetable, that lesson may end between 3 to 3.30 p.m.

Q3: If child is offered HCL/HML, and cannot manage after semester 1 or the whole year, can they drop in Sec 2?

  • HMT subject teachers will monitor students’ progress regularly and will provide necessary advice on the matter. Students are encouraged to complete at least the first 2 years of the subject so that they will be able to have a better picture of their performance in the subject.

Personalised Digital Learning Programme (PDLP)

There will be an engagement session for parents on PLD in the 2nd week of school term.

More information will be shared during the session.

Purchasing of Learning Materials

  • Calculators

It is not necessary to purchase a new calculator as long as the model is approved by SEAB.

Some common acceptable models are: Casio FX-95MS, Casio FX-96SG Plus.

Students may approach their respective Math teachers to check before purchasing.

You can also check at this link for Approved calculators.


  • Music

It is compulsory for students to buy a ukulele for their music lessons. The ukulele will be used over 2 years (Sec 1 and Sec 2).

You do not need to buy a ukulele if you already have one at home. However, please show your music teacher your ukulele so that he/she can check that it is in a good and working condition for use during the music lessons.

  • Design & Technology (D&T)

All students (both male and female) will study D&T. Therefore, they will need to purchase the D&T items in the booklist.

  • Art

Art items stated in the booklist must be purchased. However, if you already have the same type of items, please show them to your Art teacher so that she can check if your existing Art items are still in a good and working condition for use during the Art lessons.

  • Stationaries for other subjects

Students should purchase the stationery items mentioned in the booklist as they will be used for learning. If students wish to purchase them only when teachers ask for them, they are welcome to do so. However, the items may not be available due to limited stocks.

For items like a headset with microphone and calculator, students are welcome to use what they currently own.

Optional items are also available in the school bookshop during the first week of school. However, these items will be based on stock availability.

Purchasing of School Uniforms/ School Shoes

School Uniform Matters

Students can purchase their uniform directly from the school or the vendor on the allocated date/time but you are strongly encouraged to purchase it online to reduce waiting time. If you are not available on the allocated date/time, you may choose other days to purchase textbooks or uniform from school.

It is recommended that students purchase two sets of uniforms depending on how frequently they change their attire.

School uniform vendor and number:

Yangtze Kiang Tailor Retail Outlet

Blk 26 Teck Whye Lane, #01-180, Singapore 680026

Tel: 67691260 / Fax: 67629285

Email address: yangtzekiang@singnet.com.sg

Students are required to wear their school ties on Mondays. However, Sec 1 students do not need to wear their ties on the first day of school.

School Shoes Matters

School shoes can be canvas or sports shoes as long as they are predominantly, at least 70% white-based. The colour of the stripes do not matter as they are predominantly white-based.

Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS)

More information on purchasing of school books and uniforms for students on the FAS scheme can be found in the Information booklet page 7.

More information regarding application for FAS can be found in the Information booklet page 16.