Mad About Math


Making Learning Fun

The Mathematics Department comes up with interesting mathematical puzzles and riddles to share with students during pre-assembly programmes every term. Mathematical puzzles and riddles provide children with the opportunity to develop their numeracy, problem-solving skills, logical thinking, spatial visualisation and much more in a fun setting.

Our pre-assembly programmes share the same theme for each term but are differentiated in terms of difficulty so that students across the various levels can be engaged in solving the puzzles.



Pre-Assembly Programmes



A palindrome is a number that reads the same way forwards or backwards. For example, 75257 is a palindrome.

Can you think of a palindrome day in 2021? It's 12 February 2021! 12-02-2021


Yohaku is a type of number puzzle that tests your number sense and problem-solving skills. A yohaku can be an addition or multiplication puzzle. Your task is to fill in the empty cells such that they give the sum or product shown in each row and column.

Spatial Visualisation

Spatial visualisation ability is the ability to mentally manipulate 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional figures. It is an important skill that we can use in our daily lives e.g. drawing, playing with Lego, reading maps and even organising your drawer or schoolbag.

Connect 4:

Rush Hour Traffic Jam:
