Section 2: Active Listening and Participation with productivity tools

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In this part of the lesson, you will find out what are some note-taking tools you would like to use in your learning.

There will also be some note-taking techniques and question-answering techniques shared in this lesson.

Check on some of these note-taking tools that 

2. Using the digital note-taking tools  (30 minutes)

Activity 1 : Watch and Share in (15 min)

In a group of 3, each select ONE of the following tools and watch a short video introduction of the note-taking tool.

After watching the video clip, summarise what you have seen and take turns to share with one another the main features of each tool.

Activity 2: Create and Share (15 min)

Individually, select ONE of the note-taking tools that you prefer.

Microsoft OneNote

To learn how to set up your Microsoft OneNote, click here to access the full tutorial.

Google Calendar & Keep

To learn how to set up your Google Keep, click here to access the full tutorial.

To learn how to set up your Google Calendar, click here to access the full tutorial.


To learn how to set up your Notion, click here to access the full tutorial.

3. Note-taking Methods

In this part of the lesson, you are going to learn these three study skills.

Cornell Notes

Click here to learn how to take Cornell Notes using Notion.

Click here to learn how to take Cornell Notes using Notion.

Examples of Cornell Notes for:

Polya's (4-Step Process) Problem-solving Method

Click here to read more about the Poly's Problem-solving method.

C-E-R  (Claim- Evidence-Reasoning) Answering Technique

Click here for more in-depth explanation on the CER method.

4. Check out

Let's do a checking out activity before we end this lesson. Answer the following questions in the form.