Character Development

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Our character development approach is based on the school vision of Learn, Care, Make a Difference. Students learn the school values and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies they are taught through Character and Citizenship Education/Pastoral Guidance lessons and assembly talks, and then internalise them through reflection and observing the role modelling by staff.  They are then given opportunities to practise these values and SEL competencies so they can show care and make a difference to themselves, home, school, community and nation.  Students subsequently review their character development through self evaluation which leads to deeper learning.

Hillgrove's Values in Action (ViA) programmes aim to provide authentic platforms to support students’ development as caring citizens who contribute meaningfully to the community. The school uses an approach that is aligned to the school vision - Learn, Care and Make a Difference. Under the ‘Learn’ dimension, students are explicitly taught a skill or knowledge. Under the ‘Care’ dimension, students take on perspectives of others and demonstrate empathy. Lastly, they apply what they have learnt and make a difference through their service to the community. Hillgrovians in the upper secondary levels are given the opportunity to plan and organise activities to engage the needy elderly at Ren Ci Nursing Home (Bukit Batok) and young children with special needs. Hillgrovians in the lower secondary levels make a difference to the environment by practising the 3Rs - reduce, recycle and reuse, sharing issues related to environmental conservation and taking part in Green@Hillgrove, a recycling initiative done in collaboration with Bukit Gombak GROs.

Moving forward, Hillgrove remains committed to providing ample opportunities for our students to develop into caring and contributing members of our society and the world.  When we educate the heart of our students, we are able to touch their hearts and sensitise them, so that they will become morally upright, generous and compassionate people, with a love for justice and respect for life.