Professional Development Resources

Dear Teachers of GMS(P)

The Professional Development Team (PDT) comprising our Teacher Leaders and SSD, has created this Google Site to curate and store materials that will help us in our work.  It serves as a One-Stop portal for staff to easily look for T&L materials and resources when we need them.

It will be a work in progress site and if you have any suggestions for improvement to it, please do let us know.

Meanwhile, if you have any T&L resources or materials for sharing with staff,  please do email us at and

Meanwhile, we hope that the quote below, from the book "Leadership for Learning - How To Help Teachers Succeed" by Carl D. Glickman, will inspire us to be a better teacher today, as compared to yesterday.

Warm regards,

PDT Team 

Updated Apr 2023

If, as a teacher,


I have absolutely no way to

become better as a teacher.

    (Source: Leadership for Learning: How to Help Teachers Succeed,  Carl Glickman)